Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Annette Werberger – Anarchism and Avant-garde in Yiddish literature

20. 2. 2024 (17:00), dolní sál Ústavu pro českou literaturu AV ČR (Na Florenci 3, Praha 1)

Bonusovou přednáškou cyklu Literárněvědné fórum, který jsme v uplynulém semestru věnovali tematice jidiš v kontextu české literatury a kultury, bude v úterý 20. února 2024 vystoupení Annette Werberger z Frankfurtu nad Odrou.


Avant-garde research was late to recognise that there is a conceptual proximity between avant-gardes and anarchism, because research on avant-garde focused much more on theories than on practices for a long time. Avant-garde research was late to recognise that there is a conceptual proximity between avant-gardes and anarchism, because research into the depoliticised avant-garde focused much more on theories than on practices.  The first comprehensive studies did not emerge until the end of the 1980s and mostly related to “Western” Europe. David Weir even described classical modernism as a realisation of anarchist politics. In Jewish Studies, the connection between anarchism and the avant-garde has met with great resonance since the 2000s, as anarchism was particularly effective in Yiddish literature from 1900-1939, because literary interventions were tested as poetic actions for enlightenment through “alienation”, social equality and social improvement. This was particularly important for Yiddish authors, who continued to live without civil rights in the Russian Empire. Yiddish became to some extent a lingua franca of anarchism, which is why the German anarchist Rudolf Rocker even learnt Yiddish. Anarchists never understood anarchism as a systematic theory, but rather as a practice. This context contributed to avant-garde being conceptualised not only as art, but as a way of life – including all the dangers of such an understanding of art. Carolin Kosuch therefore sees it as “a political philosophy with strong leanings towards practical implementations directed against the status quo of heteronomy”.  The lecture presents the historical background and provides some relevant literary examples.

Aktuální sérii přednášek organizujeme ve spolupráci s Centrem pro studium holokaustu a židovské literatury, sledovat je můžete osobně v horním sále Ústavu pro českou literaturu AV ČR (Na Florenci 3, Praha 1), záznamy pak na našem YouTube kanálu.