Kompendium německé literatury českých zemí

Jan Budňák (ed.), Štěpán Zbytovský (ed.), Peter Becher (ed.), Steffen Höhne (ed.), Jörg Krappmann (ed.), Manfred Weinberg (ed.)

The Compendium of German Literature of the Czech Lands provides a comprehensive view of German literature in the Czech lands from the 2nd half of the 18th century to 1945, including probes into the 2nd half of the 20th century. The Compendium is an adapted translation of the original German publication Handbuch der deutschen Literatur Prags und der Böhmischen Länder (2017), supplemented by an introductory study to the Czech edition. The author’s team of German Studies scholars from the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, in the form of partial overview studies, not only deals with epochs of literary history, but also with the theoretical background of its historiography (interculturality, the space of the Czech lands), the general context of literary system (e.g. multilingualism/bilingualism, literary institutions), distinctive literary genres (e.g. the historical novel, fantastic literature) or key themes in the German literature of the Czech lands (e.g. images of the self and the other, the topos of Prague, or the First World War).

Editors Jan Budňák,
Štěpán Zbytovský,
Peter Becher,
Steffen Höhne,
Jörg Krappmann,
Manfred Weinberg
Title Kompendium německé literatury českých zemí
Publisher Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR
Co-Publisher Academia; Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
Year of publication 2022
Page count 652
Format 18,5 × 24 cm
ISBN 978-80-7658-048-0