Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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News from Czech literary studies

The newsletter Czech Literary Studies: News from the Field serves to share information about events in Czech literary studies and related fields (Slovak studies, for example, and Czech-German studies).

News from the field to your email

The content and distribution of the newsletter is provided by the Institute of Czech Literature CAS. Members of the Consortium for the Creation and Use of Information Sources of World Czech Literary Studies also help to develop content for the newsletter.

What you will find in the newsletter:

  • Invitations to events presents notices for upcoming professional events, including discussions of research plans and presentations on the results of research projects dealing with Czech and Central European literature in its linguistic and territorial definition, research in the field of literary science, and related fields. It does not include invitations to events for the general public (author readings, for example).
  • Calls for papers is a space for soliciting submissions to conferences, workshops, professional seminars, and upcoming professional publications.
  • Opportunities – grants, awards, jobs presents news on opportunities for further professional development and education, as well as tips for ongoing competitions in which scholars in various fields touching on Czech literature may participate, jobs, inquiries for research collaborations, grants for research projects and stays abroad, awards for excellent academic results, further education offers, etc.
  • New publications is an overview of the latest publications according to the records of the Czech Literary Bibliography, and also includes recommendations for publications that represent significant progress in the field (in a language accessible to most Czech studies scholars), as well as those that reflect research on Czech (and Slovak) literature abroad (in this way representing exchange between Czech studies in different countries).

You can also contribute to the newsletter

Reports on the field are published every first and third Monday of the month. Papers in Czech, English, or German are accepted by e-mail (bohemistika@ucl.cas.cz). The deadline is the Friday preceding the upcoming issue. Editors reserve the right to decide whether to include submitted news items in the newsletter.

Newsletter submissions should include:

  • Link to details (attached document, website)
  • Brief summary of key information
  • Suggested section of the newsletter in which the contribution should be included
  • Illustration image
Leták newsletter UCL