Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Library services

Library rules

Rules for the ICL CAS Library (Czech version)

Rules for the Library at ICL Brno CAS (Czech version)

Interlibrary loan services

The ICL Library provides interlibrary loan services from its collection (with the exception of rare prints).

If you are interested, please contact mvs@ucl.cas.cz.


Basic fees

One-year pass100 Kč
One-time entrance fee20 Kč
Issuance of a duplicate card20 Kč

Additional charges

Professional information services50 Kč
for each half hour (charged at the beginning of each half hour)

Price list of reprographic services

Facsimile and (black and white) printing from databases:
A4 single-sided copy 5 Kč
A3 single-sided copy 4 Kč
Digital copies from the book scanner:
1 single-sided copy 10 Kč

There will be a 100% surcharge for express services and special requests.

Copies are to be used for study purposes only.

Conditions for more extensive searches will be determined on a case-by-case basis.