Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Programme to Support Prospective Human Resources – Postdoctoral Fellows (PPLZ)

The Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICL) announces an open call for candidates to apply to the Programme to Support Prospective Human Resources – Postdoctoral Fellows (PPLZ).

literární věda

Candidates must hold a PhD or equivalent, having defended their dissertation within the last two years. This does not include parental or maternity leave, or any time spent on long-term study stays abroad. However, the maximum time between the defence of the PhD (or Dr, or equivalent) and application to the program is 4 years.

Successful applicants who are granted support by the Czech Academy of Sciences under the auspices of the Programme to Support Prospective Human Resources – Postdoctoral Fellows (PPLZ) will become employees of the ICL on July 1, 2024, remaining so for the period specified by the approved research project. The candidate will submit a research project for assessment that is designed to be completed within 24 (18 or 12) months at a workload of 1.0 FTE (this workload may be reduced in some cases – particularly in order to accommodate childcare – but may not fall below 0.5 FTE). Research projects will be evaluated for level of professional competence, compliance with current projects or scholarly interests of research teams, as well as with the primary field of research at the ICL (broadly understood as Czech literary studies and literary theory), overlap of the project with similar research abroad, and current involvement of the candidate in international communication.

Deadline for applications: April 12, 2024

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