Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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About the library

The Specialised Library of the Institute of Czech Literature CAS in Prague is the only library in the Czech Republic to focus on the study of Czech literature broadly defined. It has been systematically developed since 1949 and holds more than 160,000 volumes.

In addition to its continuously expanding holdings in the area of Czech Studies, the ICL Library maintains the former holdings of Umělecká beseda, along with those of the Departments of Western Literatures and Czech Theatre Studies at the former ÚČSL ČSAV.

The library of the ICL in Brno, with a collection of approximately 18,000 volumes, was passed down from the reference libraries of the Brno branch of the Institute. It focuses on 20th-century Czech fiction and original contemporary literature, literary theory, and literary science.


Library staff


We recommend arranging access to the building (Veveří 365/46) and the depository (Čechyňská 19) in advance with a member of the secretariat (tel. 778 487 900; e-mail brno@ucl.cas.cz).