Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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The publishing house

Throughout its existence, the Institute of Czech Literature CAS has published original scholarly and popular works in the field of literary science, as well as critical editions of Czech literature. While its publishing activities play a secondary role within the Institute’s broader mission, it has produced several hundred titles to date.

The ICL currently publishes books in the following editions:

  • Bibliographica
  • Theoretical & Historical
  • The Correspondence of Jakub Deml
  • Variants

in addition to individual standalone (non-series) titles.

The ICL is also a co-publisher of the following editions:

  • Czech Library (with the Czech Library Endowment Fund and Host publishing house)
  • Theoretical Library (published by Host)
  • Czech Literature Studies (published by Karolinum)
  • Critical Hybrid Edition (published by Akropolis)

in addition to individual standalone titles (in cooperation with publishing houses Akademia and Akropolis).

Previously, the ICL published books in the following series (now discontinued):

  • Edition K
  • Documents
  • Theoretica

in addition to individual standalone (non-series) titles.

Selected older works published by the ICL are accessible in PDF format through the Edition E series.

Publishing activities are overseen by the ICL Editorial Board.

Books published by the ICL can be purchased online at the ICL e-shop, at the ICL Library in Prague (in the study room), and through their distribution by Kosmas.
