Slovník literárněvědného strukturalismu

Ondřej Sládek a kol.

A Dictionary of Structuralist Literary Theory and Criticism is the first-ever historical-comparative terminology dictionary to encompass structuralism in all the substantial dimensions and forms that it acquired within literary theory and criticism in the 20th century. The basic prerequisite for creating a thematic dictionary of this kind was an analysis that was broad and as complete as possible of structuralism and structuralist concepts applied in literary theory and criticism and in related fields (e.g. linguistics, semiotics, and aesthetics). The dictionary offers a comprehensive grasp and exposition of key theoretical and methodological conceptions, notions, trends, schools, and paradigms of structuralist literary theory and criticisms, both from the perspective of their historical development and as reflected in current practice. The dictionary has more than 300 entries, which cover various aspects of literary structuralism and criticism and related fields (linguistics, aesthetics, semiotics, and theatre studies).

Authors Ondřej Sládek a kol.
Title Slovník literárněvědného strukturalismu
Publisher Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, Praha
Co-Publisher Host, Brno
Year of publication 2018
Page count 834
Format 16 × 23,2 cm
ISBN 978-80-7577-479-8