Punťa: Zapomenutý hrdina českého komiksu (1934–1942)

Pavel Kořínek (ed.), Lucie Kořínková (ed.)

The box-set Punťa – The Forgotten Hero of Czech Comics (1934-1942) consists of two volumes. The first one, Studies (Studie), offers a detailed cultural- and literary-historical, theoretical and interpretative examination of the whole “Punťa-centric universe”. To present a complex description and interpretation of this comic series, as well as the eponymous magazine and other Punťa-related media products, these are accessed from various angles and with varied methodologies. The position of Punťa in the kids culture of its period is considered in substantial depth. Punťa was not “merely some comic series for kids” – with its well thought-out commercial as well as world-building strategies, with its ambitions and active support of readers’ participation, this magazine with its titular series represented a revolutionary new type of youth periodical and offered a local variation of the early continental Disney-magazine concept, as it was emerging all around Europe in the 1930s. This monographical treatise is accompanied by the second volume titled Stories (Příběhy), an extensive commented edition of nearly 200 episodes selected from the Punťa comic series.

Editors Pavel Kořínek,
Lucie Kořínková
Title Punťa: Zapomenutý hrdina českého komiksu (1934–1942)
Publisher Nakladatelství Akropolis
Year of publication 2018
Page count 512
Format 28,4 × 24,4 cm (2 knihy a sešit v klapboxu)
ISBN 978-80-7470-170-2