Komedie nové a duchovní: Raně novověké biblické drama v českých zemích

Magdaléna Jacková, Jan Linka (ed.)

The book constitutes the very first monograph about the early modern biblical drama in the Czech Lands. The main attention is paid to dramas in the Czech language, but Latin and German texts are discussed as well. In addition to that, the bohemical texts are compared with their templates, provided that their exist, or with other dramas dealing with the same topic primarily from the German speaking areas. The second part of the book presents a critical edition of four Czech biblical plays that did not have a modern edition so far.

Authors Magdaléna Jacková
Editors Jan Linka
Title Komedie nové a duchovní: Raně novověké biblické drama v českých zemích
Publisher Scriptorium
Co-Publisher Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR
Year of publication 2021
Page count 528
ISBN 978-80-7658-017-6