Editologie (Od náčrtu ke knize)

Michal Kosák, Jiří Flaišman


The book Editologie (On náčrtu ke knize) (Scholarly editing: From planning to publication), edited by Michal Kosák and Jiří Flaišman, is concerned with the methodology of scholarly editing based on the authors’ experience of editing modern Czech literature. In the early chapters, the authors provide a basic typology of editorial approaches and discuss possible ways of approaching the work for publication. They then discuss problems of the history of the text, its versions and variants, and different kinds of sources (manuscript, draft, clean copy or print edition). The later chapters pose the question of choosing the original text from which to start, particularly the criteria for making that choice. They describe the layers of publishing work by type, that is, reader edition, scholarly edition, or diplomatic edition, both in print and in digital media. A separate section, written with Boris Lehečka, discusses various kinds of digital editions and questions related to them. In the following sections address the question of attribution. In a chapter, co-written with co-author Petr Plecháč, a prime example of disputed authorship is given – namely, the verse of Josef Barák attributed to Jan Neruda – to demonstrate the possibilities of statistical analysis methods for determining authorship. The final part of the volume is devoted to the question of the editorial process and possible ways of developing the critical apparatus to accompany the scholarly edition. In a separate section, the question of emendation of corrupted text based on metric analysis of poetic text is analysed (Jakub Říha). A separate chapter, by Jakub Sichálek, considers the interpretation of editorial work on nineteenth and twentieth-century texts, from the perspective of contemporary medieval studies.


Authors Michal Kosák,
Jiří Flaišman
Title Editologie (Od náčrtu ke knize)
Publisher Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR
Year of publication 2018
Page count 296
ISBN 978-80-88069-62-1