Český literární samizdat: 1949–1989

Michal  Přibáň a kol. (ed.)

The Czech Literary Samizdat is the first book offering a summary of publishers and editions, magazines and selected periodical and non-periodical anthologies of literary samizdat in the 1948-1989 period. The 311 entries provide basic information about publishers, editors and their collaborators, the method of printing, the numbers of copies and the distribution system. The book offers also general chapters discussing history of samizdat, methods of production and printing, economical and legal aspects.

Editors Michal Přibáň a kol.
Title Český literární samizdat: 1949–1989
Publisher Academia
Year of publication 2018
Page count 616
Format 18,2 × 24,3 cm
ISBN 978-80-200-2903-4