Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Job opening in the Versification Research Group

The Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces a public tender to fill the following position: Researcher in the Department of Literary Theory (Versification Research Group).

The research activity of the Versification Research Group (Department of Literary Theory) is carried out in the form of both individual and collective research projects. Output of the primary long-term project of the team is the multilingual network of poetic corpora (and related research infrastructures) PoeTree, consisting up to date of approx. 300 000 poems in nine languages. The Versification Research Group also collaborates on international research projects with partner institutions, such as the University of Basel and the Eötvös Loránd University.

 Job description:

  • Research in the field of computational analysis of (mainly) poetic texts
  • Development of the team’s research infrastructure
  • Publications and attendance to the relevant conferences

Minimum requirements:

  • PhD in philology or in related field
  • Publications in the field of computational analysis of poetic texts
  • Basic skills in machine learning
  • Active programming skills in either Python or R
  • Advanced command of English (other languages as advantage)


 Application deadline: 11 February 2024

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