Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Marcel Knöchelmann – Cultural Intermediation and Civil Society: Towards a Hermeneutically Strong Conception

We cordially invite you to the event hosted by the Literature & Society Laboratory. On March 28th at 16:00 CET, we will be hosting a guest lecture by Marcel Knöchelmann, currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Cultural Sociology at Yale and also a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Literature & Society Laboratory at the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Marcel will be presenting his recent paper titled “Cultural Intermediation and Civil Society: Towards a Hermeneutically Strong Conception.” We highly encourage you to read the paper beforehand, as the talk will be followed by a discussion. You can access the paper via the following links:

We have also selected the chapter ‘South Carolina’ from Colson Whitehead’s Underground Railroad to be discussed alongside the article. To learn more about Marcel’s work, please visit his website.

The talk is a part of the seminar series with Master students who will be attending in the classroom in Brno. However, we warmly welcome everyone online to join. We kindly ask for initial priority to be given to students during the discussion. For online participation, contact the organization team at litsoclaboratory@gmail.com.

pozvánka na přednášku Marcela Knöchelmanna