Buchwesen in Böhmen 1749–1848

Claire Mádl (ed.), Petr Píša (ed.), Michael Wögerbauer (ed.)

This encyclopedic volume represents the second published output (after Frank-Frimmel’s Buchwesen in Wien, 2009) of a topographical project on the book business in the Habsburg Monarchy from the early years of Maria Theresia’s reign to the failed Vormärz revolution of 1848. In alphabetical order, its three chapters include firms, actors and a topographical register interconnecting both firms and actors who were involved in editing and printing houses, the binding and the commercial distribution of printed matter in Bohemia, 1749-1848.

Editors Claire Mádl,
Petr Píša,
Michael Wögerbauer
Title Buchwesen in Böhmen 1749–1848
Subtitle Kommentiertes Verzeichnis der Drucker, Buchhändler, Buchbinder, Kupfer- und Steindrucker
Publisher Harrassowitz Verlag
Year of publication 2019
Page count 532
Format 18,5 × 24,6 cm
ISBN 978-3-447-11297-0