Irene Elmerot (Stockholmská univerzita), která v Ústavu pro českou literaturu AV ČR nyní hostuje jako stipendistka, prosloví ve středu 14. února 2024 od 14 hodin v dolním sále Ústavu pro českou literaturu AV ČR svou přednášku nazvanou Language and Power in Czech News 1990–2018 and 2012–2022.
In her doctoral thesis, Irene Elmerot deals with the representation of social groups in the news corpus of the Czech National Corpus. The author will present some of the results of her doctoral project, but will also talk about her ongoing project with colleagues from the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism and FAMU on the presence and absence of climate change in Události. During her stay within the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship, she would also like to examine this topic in Czech literature.