Hudbu vašich rytmů jsem cítil…

Robert Kolár

The book explores the intertextuality of poetic texts (focusing solely on the connections between poetic texts and forgoing any other ties, such as with prose texts).

The book focuses on verse as a device of intertextual connection. Speaking of verse as a device of intertextual connection means considering a whole set of phenomena, including metre, rhythm, stanzaic structure, rhyme scheme, rhyme pairs, euphony, phonic orchestration. The material is presented in short chapters, each of which contains at least one poem (excerpt) with a brief commentary. Each chapter deals with a single author, to whom the selected poems refer, and the chapters are ordered alphabetically according to the authors’ names. The book is intended for a more general audience that includes teachers and students.

Authors Robert Kolár
Title Hudbu vašich rytmů jsem cítil…
Subtitle A Guide to the Poetic Devices of Intertextuality in the Works of V. Dyk, F. Gellner, F. Šrámek, and K. Toman
Publisher Akropolis
Co-Publisher Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR
Year of publication 2023
Page count 168
Format 14 × 18,5 cm
ISBN 978-80-7658-071-8