Dopijem a pudem: Nehodný kos a další básně

Vladimír Macura, Michal Jareš (ed.)

An original memoir in prose, originally written by Vladimir Macura for a table company in the 1980s.

It describes the author’s childhood in Ostrava, the 1960s in Prague, the period of normalisation, November 1989 and the post-November 1989 development in Czechoslovakia, seen through the academic environment of the Institute of Czech Literature. The volume is supplemented by a selection of Macura’s poetry, never before published in book form.

Authors Vladimír Macura
Editors Michal Jareš
Title Dopijem a pudem: Nehodný kos a další básně
Publisher Academia
Year of publication 2024
Page count 288
Format 13 × 20 cm
ISBN 978-80-200-3535-6