Čas, postavy, román. Na přelomu tisíciletí

Klára Kudlová

The monograph Time, Characters, Novel. At the Turn of Millennium offers a range of concepts and new approaches to contemporary interpretive and historical practice.

The introductory theoretical section follows both Ricoeur’s hermeneutics and the results of cognitive narratology and presents a synthesizing view of novel, its portrayal of time, and literary characters. In the second part, the model of characters and time in the novel is used to examine Czech novels at the turn of the millennium: here the monograph employs Mathauser’s concept of new transcendentalism, reflects relationships between Lopatka’s understanding of so-called authenticity and the palimpsest type of novel, and finally presents an interpretive thesis on the novel of the female polyphony.The monograph combines theoretical thinking with interpretive probes into the the field of contemporary Czech novels.

Authors Klára Kudlová
Title Čas, postavy, román. Na přelomu tisíciletí
Publisher Host
Co-Publisher Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR
Year of publication 2023
Page count 215
Format 13,5 × 21 cm
ISBN 978-80-7658-074-9