Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Job opening in the Department of Literary Theory

The Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces a public tender to fill the following position: Researcher in the Department of Literary Theory (part-time, 0.5 FTE).

The Department of Literary Theory is searching for a researcher who focuses on the theory and poetics of literature and/or comparative literature, with an emphasis on the approaches of intermedia and media studies. Intermedia research in the department deals mainly with the examination of literary forms and its internal changes of in relation to other media, as well as methodological contributions of the inter/media approach to literary studies, and changes in the way literature is read within media cultures. Research in the department is currently directed towards 1) the examination of experimental literature in a media-comparative and developmental perspective, and 2) the transmediation of literary works from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives (the cultural continuity expresses itself as well as the subversion of tradition).

Job description:

The successful applicant will be expected to participate actively in the research activities outlined above, with respect to team-driven research and discussions of methodology, as well as individual scholarly writing within the framework of current and ongoing intermedia research within the department.

Application deadline: 7 March 2025.

More information (pdf)